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Bulk SMS

​MTN Bulk SMS 

Speaking to the people whose needs you're ideally positioned to address isn't always easy. The exorbitant cost to commission ad campaigns and buy media space often makes advertising a non-starter. And if you're going the direct marketing route, bulk emails are considered spam and rarely reach their destination.

The obvious alternative is bulk SMSs. They don't face firewalls, and they're more likely to be opened and read immediately than emails. If the person receiving your SMS isn't interested – they can opt out.

Acquiring lightning-fast SMS marketing capability is surprisingly affordable. With our easy-to-use software you can put your message right in the hands of your target audience, no matter where they are when you send it.

What does it offer your business?

  • A cost-effective direct marketing channel to your database
  • A pay-per-use model (no fixed monthly fees)
  • Access to a portal for detailed reporting


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​MTN Bulk SMS 

Speaking to the people whose needs you're ideally positioned to address isn't always easy. The exorbitant cost to commission ad campaigns and buy media space often makes advertising a non-starter. And if you're going the direct marketing route, bulk emails are considered spam and rarely reach their destination.

The obvious alternative is bulk SMSs. They don't face firewalls, and they're more likely to be opened and read immediately than emails. If the person receiving your SMS isn't interested – they can opt out.

Acquiring lightning-fast SMS marketing capability is surprisingly affordable. With our easy-to-use software you can put your message right in the hands of your target audience, no matter where they are when you send it.

What does it offer your business?

  • A cost-effective direct marketing channel to your database
  • A pay-per-use model (no fixed monthly fees)
  • Access to a portal for detailed reporting



How to get it

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